Felicia 48 years old, Spain 2005


Felicia 48 years old, Spain 2005

“In my opinion the problem is education. Boys and girls are educated and raised in very different ways. A man is given the power to hit and humiliate simply because he is stronger. On the other hand, a woman is educated in a submissive way, she is taught to put up with it. It’s the whole idea of ‘a woman’s place is in the home’ looking after the children. This isn’t just brought on by parents, but also by the church, because religion says ‘for rich or poor, in sickness and in health, till death do us part’. Therefore, religion doesn’t condem domestic violence, it provokes it. By saying ‘till death do us part’, religion/church is forcing a woman to put up with abuse by her husband. So, if you ask me whether things are changing, I say for the rich yes, but not for the poor…It is very hard for me to say this, but I believe that in Spain the law will never be in favor of the abused woman, because neither the judge nor the politicians are interested. Why? Because they know that amongst themselves there are abusers. All they want to do is put a coat of paint over it. But what happens when this coat of paint slowly wears off and more women are found dead?”

  • Talia 38 years old, Spain 2005
  • Angeles 65 years old, Spain 2005
  • Marietta 47 years old, Spain 2005
  • Laura 43 years old, Spain 2005
  •  Mari 36 years old, Spain 2004
  • Iza 37 years old, Spain 2005
  • Josephia 61 years old, Spain 2005
  • Felicia 48 years old, Spain 2005
  • Maria 55 years old, Spain 2005
  • Clara 40 years old, Spain 2005

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