Marietta 47 years old, Spain 2005


Marietta 47 years old, Spain 2005

“When the abuse started, I told no one. It would have been too easy for him to kill me if he wanted to, being a police officer he always had a gun on him. I don’t understand how these women can go on television and speak so openly about their problems, it doesn’t surprise me that they end up dead…I went to the police to press charges three times, but they did nothing…I trusted them to give me some sort of comfort, some protection…In the end, he was never prosecuted for domestic violence and is still a police officer”.

  • Talia 38 years old, Spain 2005
  • Angeles 65 years old, Spain 2005
  • Marietta 47 years old, Spain 2005
  • Laura 43 years old, Spain 2005
  •  Mari 36 years old, Spain 2004
  • Iza 37 years old, Spain 2005
  • Josephia 61 years old, Spain 2005
  • Felicia 48 years old, Spain 2005
  • Maria 55 years old, Spain 2005
  • Clara 40 years old, Spain 2005

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